High Capacity Transport (HCT) is part of Sweden’s attempts towards a more efficient transport system. HCT vehicles are heavier and/or longer than conventional heavy vehicles and can carry more load per vehicle, resulting in less fuel consumption and emissions. In Sweden the legal length and weight limits for heavy vehicles are 25.25 m and 64 t. Also, from April 2018, heavier vehicles up to 74 t have been allowed on parts of the road network with a new bearing capacity named BK4. Introduction of vehicles longer than 25.25m is currently under consideration. In the neighboring country, Finland, the weight limit for heavy vehicles was increased to 76 t in 2013, and longer HCT vehicles up to 34.5 m are allowed on most of the road network since 2019. After allowing HCT vehicles in Sweden, regulations concerning heavy vehicles access to road network have been modified and a PBS based regulation for 74 t vehicles have been introduced. PBS stands for performance based standards, under which the required performance from the vehicles is regulated, instead of limiting their length or weight. The purpose of the PBS II project has been to contribute to further development of the PBS scheme in Sweden and to support its implementation. One important aspect which required further investigation was the effect of tire characteristics on the performance of the HCT vehicles. Also, the assessment procedure of the HCT vehicles and a corresponding tool for it, demanded further developments. These issues have been addressed in the PBS II project, resulting in standard tire models for assessment of HCT vehicles, as well as an improved open access PBS tool.