For the development of a future sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production facility (the ultimate end-goal of this project) it will be key to secure SAF off-takes. Financiers (both debt and equity) will require long term product off-takes that derisk a project from a financial point of view. Contrary to conventional jet fuel, which is sold based on indexed prices, there is not fixed pricing mechanism for SAF. SAF requires a significant premium over indexed jet fuel prices and therefore long term off-take contracts are required for most of the production volume of a project. The price of ingoing raw material for SAF production will be of significant importance to secure a long term investment. Off take agreement on the raw material needs to be addressed early and these agreements needs to take into consideration both the price, availability of feedstock and distance of transportation of raw material to production site. Projects that plan to sell all the SAF on the spot market will be considered to be too risky. This document will explore different ways in which such an off-take can be structured.