The aim of this deliverable is to assess the results of the demonstrations to indicate the technical feasibility of the innovations. These results are combined with the assessments in SP5 (CBA) to provide final conclusions on the innovations proposed in the project. That means the initial idea for the assessment w to take the results of the demonstrators and compare these results with the assumptions that were made for the cost benefit analysis or multi criteria assessment. Most of the demonstrations are not finished as planned in the DOW and not all necessary data are available or evaluated at the end of C4R. That means, a quantifiable assessment was not possible but the quantitative assessment and the idea behind the innovations are in line with the C4R targets. Demonstrations were carried out in SP1 and SP4. Most of the innovations address the capacity of the railway system. The impact on this important requirement strongly depends on the local situation and the given bottle necks. Looking at the affordability slab track or intensive monitoring of infrastructure with wayside monitoring systems will not be applicable for all RFC or the European railway network. Further work is necessary to clearly identify the sections where the innovations will give a benefit. The CBA carried out in WP5.4 shows for example the impact of the local boundaries on the benefit of slab track. Results of the analysis of the Montpellier – Perpignan case study are given in the appendix.