The operational safety and maintenance cost of railway transportare largely influenced by the geometric characteristics of thetrack. One of the major geometric parameters essential for safeand high performance of railway track is the gauge. Thephenomenon of gauge widening is the gradual increase of thegauge size and it is one of the major track failure modes that couldcause derailments if it is not effectively restored in due time.Excessive gauge widening is as a result of inadequate lateral trackresistance and lateral rail strength capacity as influenced bysleeper, fastener ballast or subgrade conditions. This paperpresents an exploratory analysis of gauge measurement data tosummarize the main characteristics and explain the progression ofgauge widening in different curve types. The measurement datawere collected from 2007 to 2013 in curves with different layoutsand structures. The growth of gauge over time is analysed andalso the variation in the gauge dimension with the layout of thetrack is presented for engineering considerations. Apparently,gauges of all the curves studied are above the nominal dimensionof 1435mm but below the immediate action limit. The resultshows that curve radius has significant effect on the rate of gaugewidening as it has been shown that tight curves A and B have highrates of deterioration while curves D and E with large radius haverelatively low rates of deterioration. A practical application of thisstudy is the use of the presented quality assessment procedure andthe estimated gauge widening rate for condition evaluation andmaintenance planning.
Godkänd; 2014; 20140619 (andbra)