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Forest Edge Regrowth Typologies in Southern Sweden—Relationship to Environmental Characteristics and Implications for Management
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-0179-0062
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, University of Copenhagen.
Ansvarlig organisasjon
2017 (engelsk)Inngår i: Environmental Management, ISSN 0364-152X, E-ISSN 1432-1009, Vol. 60, nr 1, s. 69-85Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [sv]

After two major storms, the Swedish Transport Administration was granted permission in 2008 to expand the railroad corridor from 10 to 20 m from the rail banks, and to clear the forest edges in the expanded area. In order to evaluate the possibilities for managers to promote and control the species composition of the woody regrowth so that a forest edge with a graded profile develops over time, this study mapped the woody regrowth and environmental variables at 78 random sites along the 610-km railroad between Stockholm and Malmö four growing seasons after the clearing was implemented. Through different clustering approaches, dominant tree species to be controlled and future building block species for management were identified. Using multivariate regression trees, the most decisive environmental variables were identified and used to develop a regrowth typology and to calculate species indicator values. Five regrowth types and ten indicator species were identified along the environmental gradients of soil moisture, soil fertility, and altitude. Six tree species dominated the regrowth across the regrowth types, but clustering showed that if these were controlled by selective thinning, lower tree and shrub species were generally present so they could form the “building blocks” for development of a graded edge. We concluded that selective thinning targeted at controlling a few dominant tree species, here named Functional Species Control, is a simple and easily implemented management concept to promote a wide range of suitable species, because it does not require field staff with specialist taxonomic knowledge.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
New York: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2017. Vol. 60, nr 1, s. 69-85
Emneord [en]
Right-of-way, Forest edge, Railroad, Succession, Management, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Forest Science
HSV kategori
FOI-portföljer, Äldre portföljer
URN: urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-12180DOI: 10.1007/s00267-017-0851-2OAI: oai:DiVA.org:trafikverket-12180DiVA, id: diva2:1756908
Implementering och utvärdering av olika utvecklade skötselmetoder och modeller vid röjning av vegetation vid underhåll av skötselgator efter trädsäkringTilgjengelig fra: 2023-05-15 Laget: 2023-05-15 Sist oppdatert: 2023-05-15bibliografisk kontrollert

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