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Famurewa, Stephen MayowaORCID iD
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Publications (10 of 20) Show all publications
Asplund, M., Palo, M., Famurewa, S. M. & Rantatalo, M. (2016). A study of railway wheel profile parameters used as indicators of an increased risk of wheel defects. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 230(2), 323-334
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A study of railway wheel profile parameters used as indicators of an increased risk of wheel defects
2016 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 230, no 2, p. 323-334Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The capacity demands on the railways will increase in the future, as well as the demands for a robust and available system. The availability of the railway system is dependent on the condition of the infrastructure and the rolling stock. To inspect the rolling stock and to prevent damage to the track due to faulty wheels, infrastructure managers normally install wayside monitoring systems along the track. Such systems indicate, for example, wheels that fall outside the defined safety limits and have to be removed from service to prevent further damage to the track. Due to the nature of many wayside monitoring systems, which only monitor vehicles at definite points along the track, damage may be induced on the track prior to fault detection at the location of the system. Such damage can entail capacity-consuming speed reductions and manual track inspections before the track can be opened for traffic again. The number of wheel defects must therefore be kept to a minimum. In this paper wheel profile parameters measured by a wayside wheel profile measurement system, installed along the Swedish Iron Ore Line, are examined and related to warning and alarm indications from a wheel defect detector installed on the same line. The study shows that an increased wheel wear, detectable by changes in the wheel profile parameters could be used to reduce the risk of capacity-consuming wheel defect failure events and its reactive measures.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5808 (URN)10.1177/0954409714541953 (DOI)000368600500001 ()
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-07 Created: 2023-02-07 Last updated: 2023-02-16Bibliographically approved
Famurewa, S. M., Juntti, U., Nissen, A. & Kumar, U. (2016). Augmented utilisation of possession time: Analysis for track geometry maintenance. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 230(4), 1118-1130
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Augmented utilisation of possession time: Analysis for track geometry maintenance
2016 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 230, no 4, p. 1118-1130Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The demand for increased capacity on existing railway networks is a challenge for many Europe-based infrastructure managers; addressing this challenge requires augmented utilisation of track possession time. It is considered that large-scale maintenance tasks such as geometry maintenance can be improved; thus, reducing the on-track maintenance time and allowing more traffic. In this study, an analysis of track geometry maintenance was performed with the objective of reducing the required possession time. The procedure and models for planning and optimizing track geometry maintenance are presented. A statistical model that uses a simulation approach was used to determine the condition of the track geometry, and a schedule optimization problem was formulated to support intervention decisions and optimize the track possession time. The results of the case study show that optimizing the maintenance shift length and cycle length are opportunities to reduce the extent of track possession required for the maintenance of the track geometry. In addition, continuous improvement of the tamping process through lean analysis promises about a 45% reduction in the required possession time for a tamping cycle.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5931 (URN)10.1177/0954409715583890 (DOI)000375838500009 ()2-s2.0-84965168513 (Scopus ID)bcbb9fb3-926f-4a8c-bd80-582220037e54 (Local ID)bcbb9fb3-926f-4a8c-bd80-582220037e54 (Archive number)bcbb9fb3-926f-4a8c-bd80-582220037e54 (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2016; Nivå 2; 20150511 (andbra)

Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2023-03-02
Asplund, M., Famurewa, S. M. & Rantatalo, M. (2016). Data quality assessment of automatic wheel profile measurement systems. In: Uday Kumar; Alireza Ahmadi; Ajit Kumar Verma; Prabhakar Varde (Ed.), Current Trends in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety: An Industry Perspective. Paper presented at International Conference ICRESH-ARMS 2015 : 01/06/2015 - 04/06/2015 (pp. 717-738). Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology/Springer Verlag
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Data quality assessment of automatic wheel profile measurement systems
2016 (English)In: Current Trends in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety: An Industry Perspective / [ed] Uday Kumar; Alireza Ahmadi; Ajit Kumar Verma; Prabhakar Varde, Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology/Springer Verlag , 2016, p. 717-738Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The aim of this paper is to present a method for the quality assessment of data from a condition monitoring system for rolling stock wheels to ascertain if the data have the right quality to be used for further analyses. This quality assessment will also show if there are variations between different measurement units for the same system, and if there are relations between different wheel parameter measurements, speed and time. The assessment of data is accomplished using the quality dimension freedom of error. There are two different data sources, namely an automatic wheel profile measurement system and a manual wheel profile measurement device. The manual measurements of wheel profiles are used for verifying the accuracy of the automatic wheel profile measurements, which constitute the larger data set. The proposed method for evaluating the data quality is demonstrated using the data from a specific condition monitoring system. The results show some inconsistencies indicating that this system lacks quality in the dimension of freedom of error and that there is need for internal calibration or self-adjustment of the studied system for quality reasons.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology/Springer Verlag, 2016
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 2195-4356
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5920 (URN)10.1007/978-3-319-23597-4_53 (DOI)2-s2.0-85043784865 (Scopus ID)5fc90782-d423-44ff-a82b-75c3bfb338b4 (Local ID)978-3-319-23596-7 (ISBN)978-3-319-23597-4 (ISBN)5fc90782-d423-44ff-a82b-75c3bfb338b4 (Archive number)5fc90782-d423-44ff-a82b-75c3bfb338b4 (OAI)
International Conference ICRESH-ARMS 2015 : 01/06/2015 - 04/06/2015
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Godkänd; 2016; Bibliografisk uppgift: Containing selected papers from the ICRESH-ARMS 2015 conference in Lulea, Sweden, collected by editors with years of experiences in Reliability and maintenance modeling, risk assessment, and asset management, this work maximizes reader insights into the current trends in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) and Risk Management. Featuring a comprehensive analysis of the significance of the role of RAMS and Risk Management in the decision making process during the various phases of design, operation, maintenance, asset management and productivity in Industrial domains, these proceedings discuss key issues and challenges in the operation, maintenance and risk management of complex engineering systems and will serve as a valuable resource for those in the field. ; 20151223 (andbra)

Available from: 2016-09-30 Created: 2023-03-02
Famurewa, S. M., Parida, A. & Kumar, U. (2015). Application of Maintenance Performance Measurement for Continuous Improvement in Railway Infrastructure Management. International Journal of COMADEM, 18(1), 49-58
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Application of Maintenance Performance Measurement for Continuous Improvement in Railway Infrastructure Management
2015 (English)In: International Journal of COMADEM, ISSN 1363-7681, Vol. 18, no 1, p. 49-58Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Railway transport infrastructure is a linearly distributed asset that requires an effective performance management system to meet sectional and overall business objectives. In particular, an effective performance measurement system with relevant analysis technique in an ongoing manner is necessary to facilitate continuous improvement. Maintenance performance measurement (MPM) is essential to quantify the impact of past maintenance decisions and actions and also to support new decisions. This article presents the challenges of implementing and using MPM systems for maintenance decisions in the railway industry. Thereafter, a risk matrix with maintenance performance indicators is introduced as a complementary analysis tool to identify weak links on a railway line. A case study of a section on the heavy haul line of the Swedish Transport Administration railway network is presented to demonstrate the application of the risk matrix tool for continuous improvement. The results identified the bottlenecks on the line section, which are improvement opportunities for maintenance performance in terms of service quality and capacity target of the infrastructure manager

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5928 (URN)25d20014-a509-4eba-b749-65134d2158ed (Local ID)25d20014-a509-4eba-b749-65134d2158ed (Archive number)25d20014-a509-4eba-b749-65134d2158ed (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2015; Nivå 1; 20150105 (stefam)

Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2023-03-02
Famurewa, S. M. (2015). Maintenance analysis and modelling for enhanced railway infrastructure capacity. (Doctoral dissertation). Luleå tekniska universitet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Maintenance analysis and modelling for enhanced railway infrastructure capacity
2015 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Railway transportation is a sustainable mode of transportation for reasons of safety, cost, carbon emission and energy requirements. It has a notable role in economic expansion in terms of passenger and freight services. In recent years, there has been a continuous demand to increase the competitiveness of railway transport via quantity and quality of service delivered. For instance there is a growing need to shift a substantial volume of freight and passenger traffic to rail. To meet the demand for enhanced railway infrastructure capacity, large modification of the infrastructure, improvement of traffic planning process and improvement of maintenance and renewal process are required. The obvious solution would be capital expansion of infrastructure but this is a long-term cost-intensive approach for improving railway transport performance. This, therefore makes successive improvement of maintenance and renewal (M&R) process an ideal and feasible way of improving availability, capacity and service quality of existing railway infrastructure. This thesis addresses improvements in maintenance to enhance capacity and service quality through systematic maintenance analysis for effective planning and maintenance optimisation for efficient scheduling. This thesis is divided into two parts: the first part deals with maintenance analysis and the second addresses maintenance optimisation. Both parts are aimed at enhancing maintenance effectiveness by improving track possession utilisation and infrastructure integrity. The first part suggests assessment and analysis methods to support continuous improvement of railway infrastructure performance. It entails the use of historical operation and maintenance data to identify, improve and eliminate weak links and bottlenecks. The second part deals with planning and scheduling of maintenance tasks from condition deterioration viewpoint. This part uses infrastructure condition data with model driven approaches to schedule maintenance tasks with the aim of ensuring efficient use of track possession time and maximisation of availability and capacity. First, a fuzzy inference system is developed for computing the integrity index or composite indicator to relate maintenance functions to capacity situation. This is a good measure of the M&R need on a line as imposed by operational profile, capacity consumption and adopted maintenance strategy. It provides additional information that can be used to support high level M&R decisions for enhanced capacity. Second, risk matrix and an adapted criticality analysis method are proposed for identifying weak links and critical assemblies/items that are bottlenecks limiting operational capacity and service

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Luleå tekniska universitet, 2015. p. 82
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5923 (URN)1b5dcdce-b6cf-4e5c-9017-71545665014e (Local ID)978-91-7583-320-0 (ISBN)978-91-7583-321-7 (ISBN)1b5dcdce-b6cf-4e5c-9017-71545665014e (Archive number)1b5dcdce-b6cf-4e5c-9017-71545665014e (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Godkänd; 2015; 20150420 (stefam); Nedanstående person kommer att disputera för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen. Namn: Stephen Mayowa Famurewa Ämne: Drift och underhållsteknik/Operation and Maintenance Avhandling: Maintenance Analysis and Modelling for Enhanced Railway Infrastructure Capaciy Opponent: Professor Peter Veit, Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy, Graz University of Technology, Garz, Austria Ordförande: Professor Uday Kumar, Avd för drift, underhåll och akustik, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Fredag den 29 maj 2015, kl 10.00 Plats: F1031, Luleå tekniska universitet

Available from: 2023-03-13 Created: 2023-03-02 Last updated: 2023-03-13Bibliographically approved
Famurewa, S. M., Asplund, M., Rantatalo, M., Parida, A. & Kumar, U. (2015). Maintenance analysis for continuous improvement of railway infrastructure performance. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(7), 957-969
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Maintenance analysis for continuous improvement of railway infrastructure performance
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2015 (English)In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, ISSN 1573-2479, E-ISSN 1744-8980, Vol. 11, no 7, p. 957-969Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Railway transport system is massive and complex, and as such it requires effective maintenance to achieve the business goal of safe, economic and sustainable transportation of passengers and goods. The growing demand for improved service quality and capacity target by railway infrastructure managers requires appropriate maintenance analysis to facilitate continuous improvement of infrastructure performance. This paper presents the application of risk matrix as a maintenance analysis method for the identification of track zones that are bottlenecks that limit operational capacity and quality. Furthermore, an adapted analysis method is proposed to create a hierarchical improvement list for addressing the problem of train mission interruption and reduced operational capacity. A case study of a line section of the Swedish network is presented. The result classifies the zones on the line section into different risk categories based on their contribution to loss of capacity and punctuality. In addition, an improvement list for the lower-level system is presented to facilitate maintenance decisions and continuous improvement at both operational and strategic levels.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5849 (URN)10.1080/15732479.2014.921929 (DOI)000352323800001 ()2-s2.0-84926406616 (Scopus ID)8704bbed-4a80-4f9c-9002-6224d5059ee5 (Local ID)8704bbed-4a80-4f9c-9002-6224d5059ee5 (Archive number)8704bbed-4a80-4f9c-9002-6224d5059ee5 (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-13 Created: 2023-02-13 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved
Famurewa, S. M., Xin, T., Rantatalo, M. & Kumar, U. (2015). Optimisation of maintenance track possession time: A tamping case study. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 229(1), 42726
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Optimisation of maintenance track possession time: A tamping case study
2015 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 229, no 1, p. 42726-Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Optimum allocation and efficient utilisation of track possession time are becoming important topics in railway infrastructure management due to increasing capacity demands. This development and other requirements of modern infrastructure management necessitate the improvement of planning and scheduling of large-scale maintenance activities such as tamping. It is therefore necessary to develop short-, medium- and long-term plans for performing tamping on a network or track section within a definite time horizon. To this end, two key aspects of infrastructure maintenance planning are considered in this paper, deterioration modelling and scheduling optimisation. An exponential deterioration function is applied to model the geometry quality of a series of 200 m segments of a 130 km line section, and an empirical model for recovery after tamping intervention is developed. These two models are subsequently used to generate a methodology to optimise a schedule for tamping intervention by minimising the total cost of intervention including the cost of track possession while geometry quality is ascertained to be within a desirable limit. The modelling considers two types of tamping interventions, preventive and corrective, with different intervention limits and tamping machines. The result of this paper suggests a tamping plan which will lead to optimum allocation of track possession time while maintaining the track geometry quality within specified limits.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5949 (URN)10.1177/0954409713495667 (DOI)000346644200002 ()2-s2.0-84919431149 (Scopus ID)2a17362d-a12b-44eb-bc65-04cab8ed0cc9 (Local ID)2a17362d-a12b-44eb-bc65-04cab8ed0cc9 (Archive number)2a17362d-a12b-44eb-bc65-04cab8ed0cc9 (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2014; Nivå 2; 20130814 (andbra)

Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2023-03-02
Famurewa, S. M., Asplund, M. & Abrahamsson, P. (2014). Analysis of gauge widening phenomenon on heavy haul line using measurement data. In: Uday Kumar; Ramin Karim; Aditya Parida; Philip Tretten (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop and congress on eMaintenance: June 17-18 Luleå, Sweden : eMaintenance, Trends in technologies & methodologies, challenges, possibilites and applications. Paper presented at International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance : 17/06/2014 - 18/06/2014 (pp. 9-15). Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Analysis of gauge widening phenomenon on heavy haul line using measurement data
2014 (English)In: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop and congress on eMaintenance: June 17-18 Luleå, Sweden : eMaintenance, Trends in technologies & methodologies, challenges, possibilites and applications / [ed] Uday Kumar; Ramin Karim; Aditya Parida; Philip Tretten, Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet , 2014, p. 9-15Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The operational safety and maintenance cost of railway transportare largely influenced by the geometric characteristics of thetrack. One of the major geometric parameters essential for safeand high performance of railway track is the gauge. Thephenomenon of gauge widening is the gradual increase of thegauge size and it is one of the major track failure modes that couldcause derailments if it is not effectively restored in due time.Excessive gauge widening is as a result of inadequate lateral trackresistance and lateral rail strength capacity as influenced bysleeper, fastener ballast or subgrade conditions. This paperpresents an exploratory analysis of gauge measurement data tosummarize the main characteristics and explain the progression ofgauge widening in different curve types. The measurement datawere collected from 2007 to 2013 in curves with different layoutsand structures. The growth of gauge over time is analysed andalso the variation in the gauge dimension with the layout of thetrack is presented for engineering considerations. Apparently,gauges of all the curves studied are above the nominal dimensionof 1435mm but below the immediate action limit. The resultshows that curve radius has significant effect on the rate of gaugewidening as it has been shown that tight curves A and B have highrates of deterioration while curves D and E with large radius haverelatively low rates of deterioration. A practical application of thisstudy is the use of the presented quality assessment procedure andthe estimated gauge widening rate for condition evaluation andmaintenance planning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet, 2014
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5852 (URN)7fbee1ed-8d25-4d8f-b78c-9d27fd01ce1e (Local ID)978-91-7439-972-1 (ISBN)978-91-7439-973-8 (ISBN)7fbee1ed-8d25-4d8f-b78c-9d27fd01ce1e (Archive number)7fbee1ed-8d25-4d8f-b78c-9d27fd01ce1e (OAI)
International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance : 17/06/2014 - 18/06/2014
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Godkänd; 2014; 20140619 (andbra)

Available from: 2023-02-21 Created: 2023-02-21 Last updated: 2023-02-21
Parida, A., Juntti, U., Stenström, C. & Famurewa, S. M. (2014). Capacity Enhancement through Optimized Maintenance of Railway Networks. In: : . Paper presented at EuroMaintenance Congress : 05/05/2014 - 08/05/2014.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Capacity Enhancement through Optimized Maintenance of Railway Networks
2014 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Rail traffic has increased manifold during the last decade. This development and the need for shift transportation from road to rail to decrease CO2 emission, creates a challenge for the railway industry to improve capacity in the network. The challenge is to do more effective inspection and maintenance in less time. An EU project ‘AUTOMAIN’ was initiated to optimize and automate maintenance and inspection activities with introduction of new planning and scheduling tools and methodologies. The project looked into reducing the maintenance possession time by around 40%. The project aim was to; adopt best practices from other industries in maintenance optimization, developing novel track inspection approaches for freight routes. The scope was for in-train measuring and self-inspecting switch, researching and assessing innovations that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of large scale inspection and maintenance processes with a scope on track and switch maintenance, track inspection; developing key technologies that will drive the development of modular infrastructure design, and developing a new maintenance planning and scheduling tool to optimize the maintenance activities, taking account of the benefits brought about by other improvements in this project.The Consortium composition covers the railway maintenance and inspection field like; infrastructure managers, contractors, train operating companies, railway component industry, research organizations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and railway industry related organizations. In this paper, the authors have tried to summarize the methodology and results achieved in this project and how it has achieved the reduced maintenance possession time for higher railway traffic movements.

Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5811 (URN)5fb4dd33-ccd3-48a3-b523-77730214bd1e (Local ID)5fb4dd33-ccd3-48a3-b523-77730214bd1e (Archive number)5fb4dd33-ccd3-48a3-b523-77730214bd1e (OAI)
EuroMaintenance Congress : 05/05/2014 - 08/05/2014
Augmented Usage of Track by Optimisation of Maintenance, Allocation and Inspection of railway NetworksJVTC
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Godkänd; 2014; 20140413 (parkum)

Available from: 2023-02-21 Created: 2023-02-21 Last updated: 2023-02-21
Famurewa, S. M., Stenström, C., Asplund, M., Galar, D. & Kumar, U. (2014). Composite indicator for railway infrastructure management. Journal of Modern Transportation, 22(4), 214-224
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Composite indicator for railway infrastructure management
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2014 (English)In: Journal of Modern Transportation, ISSN 2095-087X, E-ISSN 2196-0577, Vol. 22, no 4, p. 214-224Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The assessment and analysis of railway infrastructure capacity is an essential task in railway infrastructure management carried out to meet the required quality and capacity demand of railway transport. For sustainable and dependable infrastructure management, it is important to assess railway capacity limitation from the point of view of infrastructure performance. However, the existence of numerous performance indicators often leads to diffused information that is not in a format suitable to support decision making. In this paper, we demonstrated the use of fuzzy inference system for aggregating selected railway infrastructure performance indicators to relate maintenance function to capacity situation.

The selected indicators consider the safety, comfort, punctuality and reliability aspects of railway infrastructure performance. The resulting composite indicator gives a reliable quantification of the health condition or integrity of railway lines. A case study of the assessment of overall infrastructure performance which is an indication of capacity limitation is presented using indicator data between 2010 and 2012 for five lines on the network of Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration).

The results are presented using customised performance dashboard for enhanced visualisation, quick understanding and relevant comparison of infrastructure conditions for strategic management. This gives additional information on capacity status and limitation from maintenance management perspective.

Composite indicator, Infrastructure capacity, Fuzzy logic, Performance dashboard, Strategic decisions, Line integrity
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Äldre portföljer
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-12543 (URN)10.1007/s40534-014-0051-1 (DOI)2-s2.0-84918778061 (Scopus ID)deba62a6-d04b-4e1b-bc01-d0bba1834423 (Local ID)deba62a6-d04b-4e1b-bc01-d0bba1834423 (Archive number)deba62a6-d04b-4e1b-bc01-d0bba1834423 (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2024-01-06

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