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Larsson-Kråik, Per-Olof
Publications (10 of 14) Show all publications
Jägare, V., Karim, R., Söderholm, P., Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. & Juntti, U. (2019). Change management in digitalised operation and maintenance of railway. In: PROCEEDINGS: International Heavy Haul Association Conference June 2019: . Paper presented at International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA) STS 2019, 10-14th June 2019, Narvik, Norway. (pp. 904-911).
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2019 (English)In: PROCEEDINGS: International Heavy Haul Association Conference June 2019, 2019, p. 904-911Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Globally, railway is experiencing a major technology transformation (or paradigm shift), triggered by the enhanced utilisation of digital technology. This technological transformation affects not only the technical systems, i.e. railway infrastructure and rolling stock, but also regulations, organisations, processes,and individuals. Hence, hardware, software, but also liveware (i.e. humans) are affected. Today, the digitalisation of railway is characterised by digital services. There are also a range of challenges, e.g. data acquisition,transformation, modelling, processing, visualisation, safety, security, quality, and information assurance. To deal with these challenges, the railway industry needs to define strategies, which enable a smooth transformation of the existing configuration to a digitalised system. Digital railway requires a holistic change management approach based on system-of-systems thinking and a set of appropriate technologies and methodologies. The railway digitalisation strategy should be based on systematic risk management that address aspects of, e.g., information security, traffic safety and project risk. In addition, managing changes for a digitalised railway effectively and efficiently also requires a framework for aspects such as needs finding, requirement identification, and impact of changes for individual, teams and organisation. In this work a major case studywithin the ePilot, has been performed in context of the operation and maintenance processes of the Swedish railway. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a framework for implementing innovations and driving change in a digitalised railway.

Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
Change management, digitalisation, railway, risk management, implementing innovation, framework for implementation
National Category
Transport Systems and Logistics Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Vidmakthålla
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5613 (URN)9780911382716 (ISBN)9780911382709 (ISBN)
International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA) STS 2019, 10-14th June 2019, Narvik, Norway.
Verklighetslabb digital järnväg
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2017/67785
Available from: 2022-10-12 Created: 2022-10-12 Last updated: 2022-10-12
Arasteh khouy, I., Larsson-Kråik, P.-O., Nissen, A. & Kumar, U. (2016). Cost-effective track geometry maintenance limits. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 230(2), 611-622
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2016 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 230, no 2, p. 611-622Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In the past, railway maintenance actions were usually planned based on the knowledge and experience of the infrastructure owner. The main goal was to provide a high level of safety, and there was little concern about economic and operational optimisation issues. Today, however, a deregulated competitive environment and budget limitations are forcing railway infrastructures to move from safety limits to cost-effective maintenance limits to optimise operation and maintenance procedures. By so doing, one widens the discussion to include both operational safety and cost-effectiveness for the whole railway transport system. In this study, a cost model is proposed to specify the cost-effective maintenance limits for track geometry maintenance. The proposed model considers the degradation rates of different track sections and takes into account the costs associated with inspection, tamping, delay time penalties, and risk of accidents due to poor track quality. It draws on track geometry data from the Iron Ore Line (Malmbanan) in northern Sweden, used by both passenger and freight trains, to estimate the geometrical degradation rate of each section. The methodology is based on reliability and cost analysis and facilitates the maintenance decision-making process to identify cost-effective maintenance thresholds.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5937 (URN)10.1177/0954409714542859 (DOI)000368600500021 ()2-s2.0-84954349492 (Scopus ID)c30499d7-d8e8-4d9d-97fc-97cf6ce6eccf (Local ID)c30499d7-d8e8-4d9d-97fc-97cf6ce6eccf (Archive number)c30499d7-d8e8-4d9d-97fc-97cf6ce6eccf (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2016; Nivå 2; 20140811 (andbra)

Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2023-03-02
Morant, A., Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. & Kumar, U. (2016). Data-driven model for maintenance decision support: A case study of railway signalling systems. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 230(1), 220-234
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Data-driven model for maintenance decision support: A case study of railway signalling systems
2016 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 230, no 1, p. 220-234Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Signalling systems ensure the safe operation of the railway network. Their reliability and maintainability directly affect the capacity and availability of the railway network, in terms of both infrastructure and trains, as a line cannot be fully operative until a failure has been repaired. The purpose of this paper is to propose a data-driven decision support model which integrates the various parameters of corrective maintenance data and to study maintenance performance by considering different RAMS parameters. This model is based on failure analysis of historical events in the form of corrective maintenance actions. It has been validated in a case study of railway signalling systems and the results are summarised. The model allows the creation of maintenance policies based on failure characteristics, as it integrates the information recorded in the various parameters of the corrective maintenance work orders. The model shows how the different failures affect the dependability of the system: the critical failures indicate the reliability of the system, the corrective actions give information about the maintainability of the components, and the relationship between the corrective maintenance times measures the efficiency of the corrective maintenance actions. All this information can be used to plan new strategies of preventive maintenance and failure diagnostics, reduce the corrective maintenance, and improve the maintenance performance.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5826 (URN)10.1177/0954409714533680 (DOI)000366928800019 ()2-s2.0-84951105830 (Scopus ID)8106e8fe-1312-4919-800f-329d08c6941b (Local ID)8106e8fe-1312-4919-800f-329d08c6941b (Archive number)8106e8fe-1312-4919-800f-329d08c6941b (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2016; Nivå 2; 20140422 (ampmor)

Available from: 2023-02-21 Created: 2023-02-21 Last updated: 2023-03-13Bibliographically approved
Karim, R., Birk, W. & Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. (2015). Cloud-based emaintenance solutions for condition-based maintenance of wheels in heavy haul operation. In: 11th International Heavy Haul Conference, (IHHA 2015): 21 – 24 June 2015, Perth, Australia. Paper presented at International Heavy Haul Association : The 11th International Heavy Haul Association Conference will be held 21 - 24 June 2015 in Perth 21/06/2015 - 24/06/2015. International Heavy Haul Association
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Cloud-based emaintenance solutions for condition-based maintenance of wheels in heavy haul operation
2015 (English)In: 11th International Heavy Haul Conference, (IHHA 2015): 21 – 24 June 2015, Perth, Australia, International Heavy Haul Association , 2015Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The Swedish ore line, began in 1898 and was completed and operational by 1902. The line was later electrified and remains so to this day. A study on wheel-rail interaction, to optimize wheel and rail profiles on the Malmbanan and Ofoten lines states that there is a need to develop and apply limit values for the allowable length of single and multiple cracks on wheels. Herein, all stakeholders in the railway organization have to be involved. Provisioning of an integrated decision support system for track and vehicle contributes to increased efficiency and improved effectiveness of the maintenance process, which in turn enables achievement of business excellence. However, an integrated decision support process for maintenance is highly dependent on appropriate information logistics which enables information provisioning to various maintenance stakeholders. One emerging approach for development of eMaintenance solutions is utilization of cloud-based technologies. Cloud-based eMaintenance solutions promises smooth information logistics for maintenance decision support. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose an approach for condition-based maintenance decision-making relating to railway vehicle wheels, based on a cloud-based eMaintenance solution. The paper also demonstrates how the proposed approach can be implemented for estimation of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of railway vehicle wheels.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
International Heavy Haul Association, 2015
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering Control Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5917 (URN)7256c9e4-ea73-4b1c-8cac-718a207bbd9b (Local ID)978-0-646-94006-9 (ISBN)7256c9e4-ea73-4b1c-8cac-718a207bbd9b (Archive number)7256c9e4-ea73-4b1c-8cac-718a207bbd9b (OAI)
International Heavy Haul Association : The 11th International Heavy Haul Association Conference will be held 21 - 24 June 2015 in Perth 21/06/2015 - 24/06/2015
Swedish Transport Administration

Godkänd; 2015; 20150517 (raka)

Available from: 2023-03-02 Created: 2023-03-02 Last updated: 2023-03-02
Asplund, M., Palo, M., Famurewa, S. M., Rantatalo, M. & Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. (2014). Condition monitoring of rolling stock wheels: approach towards maintenance decision making. In: 27th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering (COMADEM 2014): 16 - 18 September 2014, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. Paper presented at International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management : Implications of life cycle analysis in asset and maintenance 16/09/2014 - 18/09/2014. COMADEM International
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2014 (English)In: 27th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering (COMADEM 2014): 16 - 18 September 2014, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, COMADEM International , 2014Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Due to the more or less fixed inherent capacity of a railway system, capacity consuming events like failures within a railway network should be kept to a minimum. This could be achieved by the use of existing and new condition monitoring systems which can detect, report and predict failure events in an early stage. Demands for higher service quality, higher capacity, network availability and track quality together with less human intervention on tracks, drive the development of railway condition monitoring systems.Failure driven capacity consumption due to worn or defected rolling stock wheels have a big impact on the capacity and the infrastructure condition. Wheel defects such as out-of-round wheels, generates high forces, and could result in large capacity consumption especially for areas with cold climate conditions. Bad wheels cause even higher track wear that reduce the life length of the track. Wheels with fatigue defects could also influence the track safety issues. This paper presents how different wheel defects can be monitored; together with a review of the most common wayside condition monitoring systems on the Swedish railway network. The study also describes how the decision making process could take advantage of the condition monitoring data in order to increase the achieved network capacity.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
COMADEM International, 2014
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5846 (URN)
International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management : Implications of life cycle analysis in asset and maintenance 16/09/2014 - 18/09/2014
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-13 Created: 2023-02-13 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved
Asplund, M., Palo, M., Famurewa, S. M., Rantatalo, M. & Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. (2014). Condition monitoring of rolling stock wheels: approach towards maintenance decision making. In: 27th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering (COMADEM 2014): 16 - 18 September 2014, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. Paper presented at International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management : Implications of life cycle analysis in asset and maintenance 16/09/2014 - 18/09/2014. COMADEM International
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2014 (English)In: 27th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering (COMADEM 2014): 16 - 18 September 2014, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, COMADEM International , 2014Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Due to the more or less fixed inherent capacity of a railway system, capacity consuming events like failures within a railway network should be kept to a minimum. This could be achieved by the use of existing and new condition monitoring systems which can detect, report and predict failure events in an early stage. Demands for higher service quality, higher capacity, network availability and track quality together with less human intervention on tracks, drive the development of railway condition monitoring systems.Failure driven capacity consumption due to worn or defected rolling stock wheels have a big impact on the capacity and the infrastructure condition. Wheel defects such as out-of-round wheels, generates high forces, and could result in large capacity consumption especially for areas with cold climate conditions. Bad wheels cause even higher track wear that reduce the life length of the track. Wheels with fatigue defects could also influence the track safety issues. This paper presents how different wheel defects can be monitored; together with a review of the most common wayside condition monitoring systems on the Swedish railway network. The study also describes how the decision making process could take advantage of the condition monitoring data in order to increase the achieved network capacity.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
COMADEM International, 2014
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5809 (URN)
International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management : Implications of life cycle analysis in asset and maintenance 16/09/2014 - 18/09/2014
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-07 Created: 2023-02-07 Last updated: 2023-02-16Bibliographically approved
Arasteh Khouy, I., Schunnesson, H., Juntti, U., Nissen, A. & Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. (2014). Evaluation of track geometry maintenance for heavy haul railroad in Sweden: a case study. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 228(5), 496-503
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2014 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 228, no 5, p. 496-503Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The measurement and improvement of track quality are key issues in determining both the restoration time and cost of railway maintenance. Applying the optimal tamping strategy helps reduce maintenance costs, making operations more cost effective and leading to increased safety and passenger comfort. In this paper, track geometry data from the iron ore line (Malmbanan) in northern Sweden, which handles both passenger and freight trains, are used to evaluate track geometry maintenance in cold climate. The paper describes Trafikverket’s (Swedish Transport Administration) tamping strategy and evaluates its effectiveness in measuring, reporting, and improving track quality. Finally, it evaluates the performance of the maintenance contractor and discusses the importance of the functional requirements stated in the outsourcing contracts.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5828 (URN)10.1177/0954409713482239 (DOI)000337712000004 ()d80b31d7-5d00-4993-ba58-1abd8d7a2bd2 (Local ID)d80b31d7-5d00-4993-ba58-1abd8d7a2bd2 (Archive number)d80b31d7-5d00-4993-ba58-1abd8d7a2bd2 (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-07 Created: 2023-02-07 Last updated: 2023-02-16Bibliographically approved
Arasteh khouy, I., Larsson-Kråik, P.-O., Nissen, A., Lundberg, J. & Kumar, U. (2014). Geometrical degradation of railway turnouts: a case study from a Swedish heavy haul railroad. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 228(6), 611-619
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Geometrical degradation of railway turnouts: a case study from a Swedish heavy haul railroad
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2014 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 228, no 6, p. 611-619Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Turnouts are critical components of track systems in terms of safety, operation and maintenance. Each year, a considerable part of the maintenance budget is spent on their inspection, maintenance and renewal. Applying a cost-effective maintenance strategy helps to achieve the best performance at the lowest possible cost. In Sweden, the geometry of turnouts is inspected at predefined time intervals using the STRIX / IMV 100 track measurement car. This study uses time series for the measured longitudinal level of turnouts on the Iron Ore Line (Malmbanan) in northern Sweden. Two different approaches are applied to analyse the geometrical degradation of turnouts due to dynamic forces generated by train traffic. In the first approach, the recorded measurements are adjusted at the crossing point and then the relative geometrical degradation of turnouts is evaluated by using two defined parameters, the absolute residual area and the maximum settlement, In the second approach, various geometry parameters are defined to estimate the degradation in each measurement separately. The growth rate of the longitudinal level degradation as a function of million gross tonnes / time is evaluated. The proposed methods are based on characterisation of the individual track measurements. The results facilitate correct decision-making in the maintenance process through understanding the degradation rate and defining the optimal maintenance thresholds for the planning process. In the long run, this can lead to a cost-effective maintenance strategy with optimised inspection and maintenance intervals.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5959 (URN)10.1177/0954409713503320 (DOI)000340543500006 ()2-s2.0-84905453748 (Scopus ID)9337a6e8-3571-428f-b45e-10e83537fc4f (Local ID)9337a6e8-3571-428f-b45e-10e83537fc4f (Archive number)9337a6e8-3571-428f-b45e-10e83537fc4f (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Validerad; 2014; 20130926 (andbra)

Available from: 2016-09-29 Created: 2023-03-02
Morant, A., Westerberg, M. & Larsson-Kråik, P.-O. (2014). Knowledge management in a railway network: The case of signalling systems. In: J. Pombo (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: research, development and maintenance ; 8 - 11 April 2014, Ajaccio, Corsica, France. Paper presented at International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance : 08/04/2014 - 11/04/2014. Kippen: Civil-Comp Press, Article ID 274.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Knowledge management in a railway network: The case of signalling systems
2014 (English)In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: research, development and maintenance ; 8 - 11 April 2014, Ajaccio, Corsica, France / [ed] J. Pombo, Kippen: Civil-Comp Press , 2014, article id 274Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The railway network is a complex system with several technologies and a multitude of stakeholders working together to solve problems created by the increasing demands on capacity, speed and mobility for the transportation of goods and passengers. However, the presence of many different stakeholders complicates knowledge management and transfer. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the potential for improving inter-organisational knowledge management in the maintenance of railway signalling systems and make concrete suggestions for improvements. Even if information logistics processes can disseminate explicit knowledge on the maintenance of railway signalling systems, they cannot handle the tacit knowledge transfer that often is crucial. The study finds considerable potential for improving the knowledge management process. It suggests possible measures and makes suggestions for future studies.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Kippen: Civil-Comp Press, 2014
Trafikverkets forskningsportföljer
National Category
Other Civil Engineering Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-6018 (URN)10.4203/ccp.104.274 (DOI)727c1689-8792-485f-a04a-78adf343f8e1 (Local ID)9781905088591 (ISBN)727c1689-8792-485f-a04a-78adf343f8e1 (Archive number)727c1689-8792-485f-a04a-78adf343f8e1 (OAI)
International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance : 08/04/2014 - 11/04/2014
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769

Godkänd; 2014; 20140422 (ampmor)

Available from: 2023-03-03 Created: 2023-03-03 Last updated: 2025-02-10
Arasteh Khouy, I., Larsson-Kråik, P.-O., Nissen, A., Juntti, U. & Schunnesson, H. (2014). Optimisation of track geometry inspection interval. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, 228(5), 546-556
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2014 (English)In: Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, ISSN 0954-4097, E-ISSN 2041-3017, Vol. 228, no 5, p. 546-556Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The measurement and improvement of track quality are key issues in determining the time at which railway maintenance must be performed and its cost. Efficient track maintenance ensures optimum allocation of limited maintenance resources which has an enormous effect on maintenance efficiency. Applying an appropriate tamping strategy helps reduce maintenance costs, making operations more cost-effective and leading to increased safety and passenger comfort levels. This paper discusses optimisation of the track geometry inspection interval with a view to minimising the total ballast maintenance costs per unit traffic load. The proposed model considers inspection time, the maintenance-planning horizon time after inspection and takes into account the costs associated with inspection, tamping and risk of accidents due to poor track quality. It draws on track geometry data from the iron ore line (Malmbanan) in northern Sweden, used by both passenger and freight trains, to find the probability distribution of geometry faults.

National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
FOI-portföljer, Strategiska initiativ
urn:nbn:se:trafikverket:diva-5836 (URN)10.1177/0954409713484711 (DOI)000337712000008 ()2-s2.0-84902181393 (Scopus ID)4faa72d7-137a-4525-9ebe-c230768fe37c (Local ID)4faa72d7-137a-4525-9ebe-c230768fe37c (Archive number)4faa72d7-137a-4525-9ebe-c230768fe37c (OAI)
Swedish Transport Administration, TRV 2011/58769
Available from: 2023-02-13 Created: 2023-02-13 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved

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